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Build, Stage, Deploy
Act 1: Local Project Setup

Act 1: Local project setup

Estimated time: 10 min

In this act, you’ll configure the project locally.



Go to this github repo and:


  • Clone your fork:
git clone YOUR REPO URL


Configure Tenderly

Copy the Testnet RPC

  • Copy the network parameters snippet from Tenderly Dashboard Virtual TestNets > Integrate
  • Edit packages/tenderly/tenderly.config.ts and paste the copied object to virtualNetworks.virtual_mainnet entry.


The file should look similar to this:

type NetworkConfig = {
  url: string,
  chainId: number,
  currency: string
export const virtualNetworks: {
  [networkName: string]: NetworkConfig;
} = {
  // KEEP virtual_mainnet as the network name
  "virtual_mainnet": {
    "url": "https://virtual.mainnet.rpc.tenderly.co/bdb874b8-678b-401b-af93-8b0f8a55e9cd",
    "chainId": 73571,
    "currency": "VIRT"