Forks will be deprecated on March 31, 2025. Please migrate to Tenderly Virtual TestNets or contact our support for assistance with automatic migration.
Dev Toolkit Browser Extension

Dev Toolkit Browser Extension

Tenderly Dev Toolkit is a browser extension that gives you one-click access to Tenderly’s powerful exploration and debugging tools on any block explorer. Open any transaction in the Tenderly Dashboard to explore, analyze, and debug on-chain data in a human-readable format.

Once you install the extension, you can access Virtual TestNets, Debugger, Simulator, Gas Profiler, and other functionalities from a toolbar on any block explorer.

Download the extension from the Chrome store here:

Using Tenderly Dev Toolkit

Use Tenderly Dev Toolkit in your everyday workflows to speed up on-chain exploration and debugging. Open any transaction in Tenderly to use the following functionalities:

  • Run on VNet: Execute any transaction in a new Virtual TestNet environment synced with the latest mainnet state to run further tests and experiments.
  • Simulate: Simulate successful or failed transactions with updated inputs, parameters, and contract code to preview their execution and expected outcomes.
  • Debug: Use a trace-by-trace Debugger to identify where and why an error occurred and edit the contract code to try out a fix right away.
  • View trace: Inspect transaction execution using the most detailed, searchable stack trace displaying opcodes, event logs, storage variables, and gas usage.
  • View state changes: Analyze state changes that happened during transaction execution, analyzing events and variables in both decoded and raw format.
  • View gas usage: Get a granular breakdown of gas usage per individual function call and optimize code to save valuable resources.