Forks will be deprecated on March 31, 2025. Please migrate to Tenderly Virtual TestNets or contact our support for assistance with automatic migration.
Node RPC
Dapp UI Libraries

Dynamic - Node RPC Integration

Dynamic is a platform that provides seamless authentication solutions for Web3 applications, offering smart login flows, easy onboarding processes, and developer tools for enhanced user experience and functionality.

Define EVM Networks

Create a list of networks configuration with Node RPC RPC.

export function tenderlyEvmNetworks(){
  // Setting up list of evmNetworks
  return [
      blockExplorerUrls: [''],
      chainId: 1,
      chainName: 'Ethereum Mainnet',
      iconUrls: [''],
      name: 'Ethereum',
      nativeCurrency: {
        decimals: 18,
        name: 'Ether',
        symbol: 'ETH',
      networkId: 1,
      rpcUrls: [`${process.env.NEXT_TENDERLY_ACCESS_KEY_MAINNET}`],
      vanityName: 'ETH Mainnet',
      blockExplorerUrls: [''],
      chainId: 8453,
      chainName: 'Base',
      iconUrls: [''],
      name: 'Base',
      nativeCurrency: {
        decimals: 18,
        name: 'Ether',
        symbol: 'ETH',
      networkId: 8453,
      rpcUrls: [`${process.env.NEXT_TENDERLY_ACCESS_KEY_BASE}`],
      vanityName: 'Base',
      blockExplorerUrls: [''],
      chainId: 137,
      chainName: 'Matic Mainnet',
      iconUrls: [""],
      name: 'Polygon',
      nativeCurrency: {
        decimals: 18,
        name: 'MATIC',
        symbol: 'MATIC',
      networkId: 137,
      rpcUrls: [`${process.env.NEXT_TENDERLY_ACCESS_KEY_POLYGON}`],
      vanityName: 'Polygon',

Configure Dynamic Context Provider

Configure a DynamicContextProvider with evmNetworks from step 1.

import { EthereumWalletConnectors } from "@dynamic-labs/ethereum";
import { tenderlyEvmNetworks } from './tenderlyEvmNetworks.ts';
import { Home } from "./Home";
export const App = () => {
  return (
        // Find your environment id at
        environmentId: "REPLACE-WITH-YOUR-ENVIRONMENT-ID",
        walletConnectors: [EthereumWalletConnectors],
        evmNetworks: tenderlyEvmNetworks()
      <Home />