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debug_traceTransaction - Blast


Returns all traces of a given transaction.


1. Transaction Hash TX Hash

Hash of a transaction to get information for
Example: 0x12345...

2. Tracer Object

Tracer String

Type of tracer, either callTracer or prestateTracer
Example: {"tracer": "callTracer"}

Only Top Call Boolean

When true, only top level call will be traced and no sub-calls.
Example: {"tracer": "callTracer", "tracerConfig": {"onlyTopCall": true}}

Timeout String

A string representing duration that overrides default 5 second timeout for call tracing. Recognizes units "ns", "us", "ms", "s" and allows fractions: "1s500ms10us".
Example: {"tracer": "callTracer", "timeout": "1s500ms"}

Code Examples