Forks will be deprecated on March 31, 2025. Please migrate to Tenderly Virtual TestNets or contact our support for assistance with automatic migration.
Virtual TestNets
Unlimited Faucet

Unlimited Faucet

TestNets come with an unlimited faucet which you can use to fund or set an arbitrary amount of native and ERC-20 tokens to any account. Since there is no mining of tokens, funds will be instantly added to the account and available for you to use.

Accounts can be funded from the Dashboard or using custom JSON-RPC methods.

Dashboard unlimited faucet

From the TestNet dashboard, go to Faucet.

  1. Paste an address or addresses (1 address per line)
  2. Enter the desired amount in the nominal currency (not WEI)
  3. Pick the currency. It can be one of:
    • Network’s native token
    • An existing ERC-20 token
    • Select use custom token address and paste the token’s address
  4. Click Fund.

RPC unlimited faucet

You must use the Admin RPC URL to get access to the following RPC methods for manipulating account balances:

Fund ERC-20 balance

To fund DAI tokens (0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F) to accounts ["0x40BdB4497614bAe1A67061EE20AAdE3c2067AC9e", "0xBd8DaA414Fda8a8A129F7035e7496759C5aF8570"] with the value of 0xDE0B6B3A7640000, run the following script that uses tenderly_setErc20Balance.

    -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "method": "tenderly_setErc20Balance",
        "params": [
        "id": "1234"

Fund native balance

You can fund the account 0xE58b9ee93700A616b50509C8292977FA7a0f8ce1 to value of 0xDE0B6B3A7640000 by running the following script that uses tenderly_setBalance.

-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "tenderly_setBalance",
    "params": [
    "id": "1234"