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A Bit of Testing Infrastructure

A Bit of Testing Infrastructure

To reduce boilerplate in the rest of the examples, the forkForTest function encapsulates Tenderly API calls needed to create a Fork and delete it. It’s a bit more robust way to organize the test code that scales.

Feel free to skip this code and go to usage examples.

Tenderly creates 10 test addresses with 100 ETH for testing. By default, the ethers library does transaction signing with the 0th address as the default signer.

import { JsonRpcProvider } from '@ethersproject/providers';
import axios, { AxiosResponse } from 'axios';
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
import { Signer } from 'ethers';
// describes forking request. network_id is the only required attribute,
// but feel free to override any
type TenderlyFork = {
  block_number?: number;
  network_id: string;
  initial_balance?: number;
  chain_config?: {
    chain_id: number;
// All you need to access the forked environment from your tests
export type EthersOnTenderlyFork = {
  provider: JsonRpcProvider;
  /** test accounts: map from address to given address' balance */
  accounts: { [key: string]: string };
  /** test accounts: signers for transactions*/
  signers: Signer[];
  /** a function to remove fork from Tenderly infrastructure, meant for test clean-up */
  removeFork: () => Promise<AxiosResponse<any, any>>;
const anAxiosOnTenderly = () =>
    baseURL: 'https://api.tenderly.co/api/v1',
    headers: {
      'X-Access-Key': process.env.TENDERLY_ACCESS_KEY || '',
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    Create a fork on Tenderly with parameters declared through the 
    fork parameter.
export const forkForTest = async (fork: TenderlyFork): Promise<EthersOnTenderlyFork> => {
  const projectUrl = `account/${process.env.TENDERLY_ACCOUNT_SLUG}/project/${process.env.TENDERLY_PROJECT_SLUG}`;
  const axiosOnTenderly = anAxiosOnTenderly();
  const forkResponse = await axiosOnTenderly.post(`${projectUrl}/fork`, fork);
  const forkId = forkResponse.data.root_transaction.fork_id;
  console.info('Forked with fork id:', forkId);
  const provider = new JsonRpcProvider(`https://rpc.tenderly.co/fork/${forkId}`);
  const accounts = forkResponse.data.simulation_fork.accounts;
  const signers = Object.keys(accounts).map(address => provider.getSigner(address));
  console.log('Accounts on fork', accounts);
  return {
    removeFork: async () => {
      console.log('Removing test fork', forkId);
      return await axiosOnTenderly.delete(`${projectUrl}/fork/${forkId}`);