Forks will be deprecated on March 31, 2025. Please migrate to Tenderly Virtual TestNets or contact our support for assistance with automatic migration.
How to Get a Fork JSON-RPC URL & ID

How to Get a Fork JSON-RPC URL & ID

Forks will be deprecated on March 31, 2025.

Please migrate to Tenderly Virtual TestNets or contact our support for assistance with automatic migration.
New projects on Tenderly should use Virtual TestNets.

You may need a Tenderly Fork ID and JSON-RPC URL at various stages of your development process, from setting up a staging environment to verifying contracts deployed on a Fork.

Learn how to find this information from the Tenderly Dashboard in just a few simple steps.

Access the Fork page

Once in the Tenderly Dashboard, go to the Fork section in the navigation bar on the left:

Access the fork page

This page will open a list of your existing Forks. Click the Fork you’re currently working with to access its ID and JSON-RPC URL.

Forks page


The next window will open detailed information about your preferred Fork, including the JSON-RPC URL:

Selected fork page

The JSON-RPC URL in this example:

Copy the URL by clicking it or navigating to the following button:

Copying the JSON-RPC URL

Extract the Fork ID

Next, extract the Fork ID from the JSON-RPC URL. The ID is the last part of the URL:

The Fork ID part

The Fork ID in this example: 9c9a829b-01fb-4c68-8d7b-fcb9d7afdd95

After gathering the Fork information you need, you can use it in your project.