How to Manage Account Balances in Tenderly Forks

How to Manage Account Balances in Tenderly Forks

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If you’re using Tenderly Forks, you may need to manage the balance value of a specific account. Tenderly’s custom JSON-RPC allows you to change the balances of accounts on Tenderly Forks. In other words, you can set a specific value or increase it by a desired amount.

Set a specific balance

The code snippet below sets the balance value to 100 ETH for one or more addresses using the tenderly_setBalance custom RPC endpoint. This endpoint receives two arguments: an array of wallets and the new amount you wish to set in wei.

When specifying BigNumberish fields to JSON-RPC endpoints in a form of a hexadecimal string, these must not contain leading zeros. Use ethers.utils.hexValue(aBigNumberish) to convert the given bigNumberish value into an acceptable form with no leading zeros.

const WALLETS = ['0x....', '0x....'];
const result = await provider.send('tenderly_setBalance', [
  //amount in wei will be set for all wallets
  ethers.utils.hexValue(ethers.utils.parseUnits('10', 'ether').toHexString()),

Increase the balance by a specific value

To increase the balance of specified addresses by a desired amount, use the tenderly_addBalance custom RPC endpoint.

const WALLETS = ['0x....', '0x....'];
const result = await provider.send('tenderly_addBalance', [
  //amount in wei will be added for all wallets
  ethers.utils.hexValue(ethers.utils.parseUnits('10', 'ether').toHexString()),

Get the current balance

To check the balance of an address, use the JSON-RPC endpoint eth_getBalance. This endpoint receives two arguments: the address and the block number (or latest).

const newBalances = await Promise.all( wallet => ({
    balance: await provider.send('eth_getBalance', [wallet, 'latest']),
console.log('New balances', newBalances);