Forks will be deprecated on March 31, 2025. Please migrate to Tenderly Virtual TestNets or contact our support for assistance with automatic migration.
Reset Transactions After Completing the Test

Reset Transactions After Completing the Test

To address the isolation issue, we can use a custom JSON RPC evm_snapshot to create a snapshot to the point before the actual test execution (beforeEach). This call gives us an ID of the snapshot (stored in snap). You can think of it as a pointer to a particular point on the chain.

After the test is complete (in afterEach), we invoke the evm_revert and pass it to the snapshot ID:

import { fail } from "assert";
import { expect } from "chai";
import { Greeter } from "../typechain";
import { forkAndDeployGreeter } from "./utils";
import { EthersOnTenderlyFork } from "./utils/tenderly/fork";
describe("Deploy before tests forget execution", function () {
    let greeter: Greeter;
    let fork: EthersOnTenderlyFork;
    let snap: null | string = null;
    before(("Deploy contract once"), async () => {
        const forkAndContract = await forkAndDeployGreeter()
        greeter = forkAndContract.greeter;
        fork = forkAndContract.fork;
    beforeEach(async () => {
        snap = await fork.provider.send("evm_snapshot", []);
    afterEach(async () => {
        await fork.provider.send("evm_revert", [snap]);
    it("Should change the greeting message", async () => {
        await (
            await greeter
                .setGreeting("Bonjour le monde!")
        expect(await greeter.greet()).to.equal("Bonjour le monde!");
    it("Should see message specified by the last executed test", async () => {
        expect(await greeter.greet()).to.equal("Hello, world!");