Sending Transactions to Forks

Sending Transactions to Forks

Migrate to Virtual TestNets

Virtual TestNets are publicly available!
For new projects, we recommend starting with TestNets.
For automatic migration of Forks to TestNets, .

Working with Hardhat

Tenderly Forks expose a Fork URL you can use to define a tenderly network in the Hardhat user config. When running Hardhat scripts and tasks, by specifying --network tenderly, you forward all transactions sent through Ethers to a Fork for a simulation.

Here’s how to configure Hardhat to use a Tenderly Fork as a network:

// File: hardhat.config.ts
// -- snip --
const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  solidity: "0.8.9",
  networks: {
    // -- snip --
+   tenderly: {
+     chainId: 3, // chain you forked
+     url: "FORK-URL",
+   },
  // -- snip --
export default config

The placeholder FORK-URL is the JSON-RPC URL exposed by the Fork. It uses the following format:{FORK_ID}. You can find the JSON-RPC URL in the Dashboard.

Your existing Hardhat scripts should work as expected.

import { ethers } from 'hardhat';
async function main() {
  // show accounts created on the fork
  console.log(await ethers.provider.listAccounts());
  // ... etc

Working with Ethers.js

If you want to connect to a Tenderly Fork using Ethers, it’s sufficient to create a JsonRpcProvider instance:

const provider = new JsonRpcProvider(FORK_URL);
const myContract = new ethers.Contract(ADDRESS, ABI, provider.getSigner());
// 10 accounts with balance 100 available
const accounts = await provider.listAccounts();
const signers = => provider.getSigner(acc));

Any transactions sent to myContract will be directed to and simulated on a Fork.

Controlling the Fork

To fully control all aspects of simulations happening on a Fork, such as account balances, mined blocks, or even the passage of time, explore the Fork Customization via API guide.