Follow a step-by-step guide and a cheat sheet of CLI commands for initializing, building, and deploying Web3 Actions:
Learn about the structure of a Web3 Action project generated via CLI and understand the tenderly.yaml configuration file layout:
Find out how to achieve shorter iteration times and write automated tests for your Web3 Action function code:
Explore details behind the core elements of Web3 Actions and learn how to specify trigger configurations for supported events and link them to action functions:
Learn how to use Storage to make Web3 Actions stateful and how to save sensitive information to Secrets:
Follow a step-by-step guide to set up email notifications about failed Web3 Actions so you can react accordingly:
Discover how to monitor incidents in Web3 Action execution, apply appropriate solutions, and track issue resolution progress:
Find out how to stop, upgrade, or manually run a Web3 Action using the Tenderly Dashboard: