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Web3 Actions
Local Development and Testing

Local Development and Testing

To facilitate local development of your Web3 Action code, you can use the @tenderly/actions-test package (contained in tenderly-actions). It exposes a Tenderly runtime, so you can execute and perhaps test your Web3 Action in your local environment.

Install the @tenderly/actions-test package to test your Web3 Action functions locally.

yarn add --dev @tenderly/actions-test

It’s recommended to keep tests and run scripts for web3-actions outside of the actions root directory to avoid increasing the size of your Web3 Action project.

You can use @tenderly/actions-test in two ways to support your development process:

  • Use it within your automated tests (recommended).
  • Create a run script in JavaScript/TypeScript.

Using @tenderly/actions-test in your tests

To use @tenderly/actions-test in your tests, no additional steps are needed. Import TestRuntime and events you need to test your Web3 Action and assert the results.

The following examples show how to use the package to invoke the Web3 Action and pass the event object the Action functions expect.

A working example

Check out the multisig wallet example and the way it uses @tenderly/actions-test to run the action function locally.

Example: running an Action function within a script

The following example shows a file at src/web3-actions-local/run.ts that runs three actions, passing adequate events. Note the Web3 Actions source file (src/actions/awesomeActions.ts) is in a sibling to directory containing the script:

Step 1: write the run script

// File: src/web3-actions-local/run.ts
// web3-actions sources location: src/actions/awesomeActions.ts
import { TestPeriodicEvent, TestRuntime } from '@tenderly/actions-test';
import { everyDay, onTxEvent, whenDappPosts } from '../actions/awesomeActions';
 * Running Web3 Actions code locally.
 * TestRuntime is a helper class that allows you to run the functions,
 * and set storage and secrets before running the function
const main = async () => {
  const testRuntime = new TestRuntime();
  testRuntime.context.secrets.put('multisig.DISCORD_URL', process.env.DISCORD_URL || '');
  await testRuntime.execute(everyDay, new TestPeriodicEvent());
  await testRuntime.execute(whenDappPosts, new TestWebhookEvent({ foo: 'bar' }));
  const te = new TestTransactionEvent(); = '0x1a22...';
  te.from = '0xc023...';
  await testRuntime.execute(onTxEvent, new TransactionEvent());
(async () => await main())();

Step 2: Extend scripts in package.json of the enclosing project.

You can add this script to your package.json file.

  "scripts": {
+   "local-w3a-run": "ts-node src/web3-actions-local/run.ts"

Step 3: Run the script

yarn local-w3a-run